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Wordpress htaccess rewriterule without changing URL

In WordPress I'm using the Events Manager plugin, which uses the /events/subpage path in the URL.

I need to tweak things slightly so that /courses/subpage rewrites to /events/subpage ie the content of /events/subpage is shown when going to /courses/subpage. The URL should stay as /courses.

I thought this rule would do it:

RewriteRule ^courses/?(.*)$ /events/$1 [L]

But the URL changes from /courses to /events so it looks like my rule isn't quite right.

EDIT Strangely I can put anything in place of /courses and it resolves to /events anyway. Confused!

Think I've cracked it.

I uninstalled the rewrite plugin and replaced it with Rewrite Rules Inspector. Then I added the following to functions.php add_rewrite_rule('^course/([^/]*)/?', 'index.php?event=$matches[1]', 'top'); // single event

In Rewrite Rules Inspector is said the rule was missing. I flushed the rules using the plugin and everything appears to be working now. It looks like the original rewrite plugin wasn't flushing the rules properly.

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