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AngularJS template variables not rendering when inside custom directive

I'm having an issue with a custom angular directive. Basically, in the example below, the variable "name" will render correctly if outside of the scope of the directive, but not when inside the directive.


<div ng-controller="swygController">
  <div swyg="example" edit="load(id)">


swyg.directive('swyg', function(){
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: {
      edit: '&'
    compile: function(elm, attr){
      // Code
    controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
     // Code

I've tested this with the compile and controller directive functions empty (to rule out something in my directive causing the issue) and get the same result.

I'm fairly certain it's a scope issue, but can't figure out how to resolve it. It seems like I somehow need to allow the directive to inherit the controller's scope? I assumed since the directive is inside the controller, it'd be fine.

Has anyone else run into this?

Thanks for your help!

As soon as you declare scope within a directive it is then an isolated scope and therefore variables from parent scope are not the same.

There are several ways to approach:

One is using parent scope in expression. Nested scopes become nested in parent objects so you can do:


If nesting is 2 levels deep would be able to use $parent.$parent.name but this approach gets ugly

Or pass the variable to directive as an attribute, and include that in directive scope the same way you are doing with edit

scope: { }

creates an isolated scope, meaning you can not access the parent scope and everything defined on it.

You could use $parent.name to access the parent scope name variable. But I wouldn't recommend traversing the scope using $parent.

Instead pass the name as an attribute to your directive.

I've created a plunker to demonstrate how to do this: http://plnkr.co/edit/NGNMfkgNMooq0Sul6HPH?p=preview

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