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Mounted volumes & bash in OSX

I'm working on a disk space monitor script in OSX and am struggling to first generate a list of volumes. I need this list to be generated dynamically as it changes over time; having this work properly would also make the script portable.

I'm using the following script snippet:

PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH

FS=$(df -l | grep -v Mounted| awk ' { print $6 } ')

while IFS= read -r line
echo $line
done < "$FS"

Which generates:

test.sh: line 9: /
/Volumes/EPLK-Files-Offsite-Backup: No such file or directory

I need the script to generate output like this:


Ideas, suggestions? Alternate or better methods of generating a list of mounted volumes are also welcome.



< is for reading from a file. You are not reading from a file but from a bash variable. So try using <<< instead of < on the last line.

Alternatively, you don't need to store the results in a variable, then read from the variable; you can directly read from the output of the pipeline, like this (I have created a function for neatness):

get_data() {
  df -l | grep -v Mounted| awk ' { print $6 } '

get_data | while IFS= read -r line
  echo $line

Finally, the loop doesn't do anything useful, so you can just get rid of it:

 df -l | grep -v Mounted| awk ' { print $6 } '

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