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Fatal Error Call to a member function login() on a non-object PHP

i am just starting with OOP in PHP, i try to make easy LOGIN form which just check in DB. But when i load the page it just throw me error which are in the name of this topic. Any idea how can i fix this?


use Nette\Application\UI;
use Nette\Database\Connection;

 * Homepage presenter.
class HomepagePresenter extends BasePresenter 
    protected function createComponentSign()
        $form = new UI\Form;
        $form->addText('name', 'Jméno:');
        $form->addPassword('password', 'Heslo:', 30);
        $form->addCheckbox('persistent', 'Pamatovat si mě na tomto počítači');
        $form->addSubmit('login', 'Přihlásit se');
        $form->onSuccess[] = callback($this, 'signSubmited');
        return $form;

    // volá se po úspěšném odeslání formuláře
    public function signSubmited(UI\Form $form)
        try {
            $user = $form->getValues()->name;
            $values = $form->getValues();
            if ($values ->persistent)  {
                        $user->setExpiration('+30 days',FALSE);
            $user->login($values->username, $values->password);
            $this->flashMessage("Byl jsi úspěšně přihlášen jako: $values[name]");
        } catch (Nette\Security\AuthenticationException $e) {
            $form->addError('Neplatné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo.');

    public function actionOut()
        $this->flashMessage('Bol si odhlasený.');

You have the following line of code in your try/catch block

   $user = $form->getValues()->name;

which assigns $user a string value, I assume you wanted the following assignment

   $user = $this->getUser();

$user is string value and you are trying call function with that which is not correct.

$user must be object which contains login method.

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