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How to select multiple elements

i have made a script where i can give a div a backgroundcolor by clicking on one of the td tag in the table. the problem is, i want to give more divs a color.

with getElementById() it can only select one div and not 2.

my CSS:

td {width:20px; height:20px;}
.result{width:200px; height:100px; margin:10px auto; background:green;}

my script:

function bgcolor(color){
        els = document.getElementByClassName('result');
        for(i in els){
            els[i].style.backgroundColor = color;

my HTML:

        <td style="background:red;" onclick="bgcolor('red')"></td><td style="background:blue;" onclick="bgcolor('blue')"></td>
        <td style="background:green;" onclick="bgcolor('green')"></td><td style="background:yellow;" onclick="bgcolor('yellow')"></td>
    <tr id="row">
        <td style="background:brown;" onclick="bgcolor('brown')"></td><td style="background:grey;" onclick="bgcolor('grey')"></td>
<div class="result"></div>

what have i done wrong?

Create one function to change the color, use the parameter to specify which color. getElementsByClassName returns a collection, so you'll need to loop through the collection and apply the background color each time:

function bgcolor(color){
  els = document.getElementsByClassName('result');
  for(i in els){
    els[i].style.backgroundColor = color

Then call it with


你调用getElementByClassName(classname)返回带有指定类的第一个元素 ,如果你想要你做的所有元素document.getElementsByClassName(classname) (元素是复数)


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