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How to write url rewrite in codeigniter

I write the url rewrite in .htaccess in codeigniter as follows

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^Vorarlberg.html$ index.php/users/suchergeb?short_query=true&sbundesland=V&offset=0&limit=25&country=A [L]
RewriteRule ^Tirol.html$ index.php/users/suchergeb?short_query=true&sbundesland=T&offset=0&limit=25&country=A [L]

myproject is located in wamp server under irat.2013 folder

the above code is working but we dont want to show full url , we would like to show as follows


and one more thing if we give the full localhost url before the index.php/users... then only it is working other wise it is not. Please help me ....

Use the application/config/routes.php file. Check docs here: http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/general/routing.html

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