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Mass Assignment error in nested form

i'm having issues with my nested form when submiting it.

My two models:

class Planning < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :periods
   belongs_to :plannable, polymorphic: true
   attr_accessible :quantity, :periods_attributes
   accepts_nested_attributes_for :periods

class Period < ActiveRecord::Base
   belongs_to :planning
   attr_accessible :planned_quantity, :planning_id

and in my form:

 <% @planning.periods.each do |period| %>
   <%= f.fields_for(period) do |builder| %>
     <%= builder.label :planned_quantity, "Planned quantity" %>
     <%= builder.number_field :planned_quantity%>

Everything is showing just like I wanted until I submit, when it shows the following:

Can't mass-assign protected attributes: period

Does anyone knows how to help me? Been searching the whole web...


you don't need the @planning.periods.each, just do this

<%= f.fields_for :periods do |builder| %>
  <%= builder.label :planned_quantity, "Planned quantity" %>
  <%= builder.number_field :planned_quantity%>
<% end %>


attr_accessible :planned_quantity, :planning_id, :period

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