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Cakephp Behavior wrong model

I am writing a Behavior


class LogsBehavior extends ModelBehavior {

        public $Model;

        public function setup(Model $model, $config = array()) {
            $this->Model = $model;

        public function afterSave(Model $Model, $created, array $options = array()) {




Ok, so when I check the setup method i have in $model:

Comprovante Object

When i save the entry and i reach afterSave method the $Model property is

Comprovante Object

BUT my $this->Model is:

Cliente Object

It seems the previous object is there not the Comprovante...

Someone can help me?


public $actsAs = array('Logs');

You may not use a shared attribute here, for the outlined reason above.

Always provide methods, that get passed to the Model as first param:

public function someMethod(Model $Model, ...) {
    $this->_someMethod($Model, ...);

protected function _someMethod(Model $Model, ...) {}


See how current core and (popular!) plugin/userland behaviors do it and embrace their way of doing things.

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