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Create Second Click Event Javascript Only

I need to have an image change opacity when I click a button and then change back when I click the button again. I can only use Javascript. I've set up 2 if/else statements and when I click the button the first time the event happens but I can't get a second event to happen. I'm very new to javascript.

var img = document.querySelector('#img');
var button1 = document.querySelector('#button1');
var bool = new Boolean();

if (chrome.style.opacity = "1.0"){
    bool = true;
else if (chrome.style.opacity = "0.5"){
    bool = false;

if (bool){
    button1.addEventListener('click', function() {
    chrome.style.opacity = "0.5";
    button1.addEventListener('click', function() {
    chrome.style.opacity = "1.0";

Use one click event and put the if/else statement inside it.

button1.addEventListener('click', function() {
     if (chrome.style.opacity = "1.0"){
          chrome.style.opacity = "0.5" 
          chrome.style.opacity = "1.0"

Try this


<button id="button1">hi</button>


button {
    opacity: 0.5;


button1.addEventListener('click', function() {   
    this.style.opacity = (this.style.opacity == 1.0) ? 0.5 : 1.0;            

i suppose your js would actually be this ..just adapt it

button1.addEventListener('click', function() {   
    chrome.style.opacity = (chrome.style.opacity == 1.0) ? 0.5 : 1.0;            


Just a comment on your code:

> var bool = new Boolean();

You really don't want to do that. Boolean objects exist to support boolean primitives, not to be used on their own. Also, don't assign a value until you have to. Initialising variables to a temporary value is pointless, it certainly doesn't "type" the variable.

ECMAScript variables don't have a type, their values do. So when you later do:

> bool = true;

bool no longer references the object assigned previously, it now has a value of true .

The use of bool can be completely avoid here anyway, see other answers.

Oh, and why you should avoid Boolean objects:

// Create a Boolean object with a value of false
var foo = new Boolean(false); 

// Evaluate in expression that will call internal getValue method
alert( foo );  // false

// Evaluate in expression that will do Type conversion
alert( !foo ); // false

Ooops! Just to be sure:

alert( foo == !foo  ); // true!!
alert( foo == !!foo ); // false

So stay away from Boolean objects! Even if you use this behaviour to your advantage, readability and maintenance will suffer.

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