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Binding Property to usercontrol

I got a usercontrol containing a dependancy property of the typ list (this sits inside an library / also tried with a normal property).

public partial class PicSelection : UserControl
    #region Properties
    public static readonly DependencyProperty LstImagesProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("LstImages", typeof(List<string>), typeof(PicSelection), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null));

    // .NET Property wrapper
    public List<string> LstImages
        get { return (List<string>)GetValue(LstImagesProperty); }
        set { SetValue(LstImagesProperty, value); }

I also got a DataClass:

public class Data : BaseObject
    #region Members
    public List<string> Images { set { SetValue("Images", value); } get { return (GetValue<List<string>>("Images")); } }

    #region Construction
    public GameData()
        Images = new List<string>();

Base object is used to automatically create dependance properties:

public abstract class BaseObject : PropertyNotifier
    #region Members
    private readonly IDictionary<string, object> _values = new Dictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

Now I want to bind the Data.Images to the customcontrol.LstImages ("Data" is a property of typ Data on the page, where the control is used). The program works without exception but somehow the LstImages in the control, I checked it on several events, is always null.

<controls:PicSelection Name="SelPic" LstImages="{Binding Data.Images}" Foreground="White" FontSize="16"/>

On the other hand, to do the same thing with a static class (which is almost the same relating to the organisation) per

<usercontrol SomeArray="{x:Static data:StaticClass.TheStrings}"/>

is so simple. It even works with normal properties. The setting of Datacontext to this changes nothing by the way. Have I overlooked something?

Have you looked in the output window? Normally if binding fails silently, you will see some errors in there.

You need to check what is a data context that's being passed into PicSelection control. Can you try setting data context explicitly and then binding directly to the Images property?

LstImages="{Binding Path=Images}"

如果Data实例是UserControlDataContext ,则需要将Binding更新为

<controls:PicSelection Name="SelPic" LstImages="{Binding Images}" Foreground="White" FontSize="16"/>

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