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Form post on same page without refreshing

How can i submit form on same page without refreshing page.I know that is possible with ajax but i am not perfect in ajax my native programming language PHP.


<input type="submit" class="topopup1" value="Preview" onclick="capture();" >
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"  id="myForm">
<input type="hidden" name="img_val" id="img_val" value="" />


function capture() {
    onrendered: function (canvas) {
        //Set hidden field's value to image data (base-64 string)
        //Submit the form manually



  //Show the image
  echo '<img src="'.$_POST['img_val'].'" />';

  //Get the base-64 string from data
  $filteredData=substr($_POST['img_val'], strpos($_POST['img_val'], ",")+1);
  //Decode the string

  //Save the image
  file_put_contents('img.png', $unencodedData);

Use $.post :

// When submitting form below is run
$( "#myForm" ).submit(function( e ) {
    // prevent form from sending like normal
    // Send post with ajax, with the postdata of the html form, whatever your page returns you can catch with .done(function(data));
    $.post( "", $( "#myForm" ).serialize() ).done(function( data ) {
        console.log( "return data: " + data );

ya i found it answer.In my case my php response is image.Now i sand submit form with ajax function .submit with set the target where result show.and also now i don't need form action on same page So i have changed action on save.php.

  target: '#preview'


<input type="submit"   value="Preview" onclick="capture();" >
 <form method="POST" action="save.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"  id="myForm">
<input type="hidden" name="img_val" id="img_val" value="" />

(Using jQuery AJAX is not hard at all! This is just for demo, not a solution to your code:

jQuery / JavaScript

var myId = "this_is_my_id";

var myAjax = $.ajax({
  url: "script.php", //The url to your .php script
  type: "POST", //Method av sending data (POST / GET)
  data: {id : myid}, //variables to send (if GET it looks like this  script.php?id=this_is_my_id ) 
  dataType: "json" //The expected datatype of the answer

myAjax.done(function(the_data) {
  // Place magic code that transform the json data (the_data = javascript object) you got from the script
  $("#mydiv").html( your_magic_code );

myAjax.fail(function(jqXHR, message) {
  alert( "Failed: " + message );

PHP (script.php) :

$id = $_POST['id'];


echo json_encode( MAGIC_CODE_TO_RETURN ); //I.e converting an array to json

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