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JAvascript 180 to -180 rotate

Right now when the user clicks on this image, it rotates 180 degrees.
I want to update it to do this: If the user clicks the image, it rotates 180 degrees, but if the user clicks the image again, it rotates back to its original position.

Here's my javascript:

var value = 0
    value +=180;
    $("#image1").rotate({ animateTo:value});


<th style="text-align:left;" width="20%" id="row-2">
    <span class="move_right">Name</span> 
    <img src="/images/sort-arrow-up.png" title="Sort by Company Name" alt="Sort by Company Name" class="sort-right move-left" id="image2" />

Maintain a separate variable for how much to change the angle and negate it on each click:

var value = 0;
var delta = 180;
    value += delta;
    delta = -delta;
    $("#image1").rotate({ animateTo:value});

I would suggest to set your value = -180 at the begening and then every time the user click you do a

value = value * -1;

This will give : 180, -180, 180, -180 (...) and so on. It's what you want ?

var angle = 180;
    value +=angle ;
    $("#image1").rotate({ animateTo:value});
    angle = angle*(-1);

I know this has already been answered, but I wanted to get an answer with a fiddle on here. There is also a dependency on the jQueryRotate plugin .

Working Demo in Fiddle


    <th id="row-1">
        <img id="image1" src="http://i.imgur.com/wO5gsMy.png"
             title="Sort by Company Name" alt="Sort by Company Name"
             width="25" height="25"/>

JavaScript :

var value = 0;
    value = value ? 0: 180
    $("#image1").rotate({ animateTo:value});

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