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How to add info to the AD users with powershell from a CSV sheet

Let's say I have an CSV sheet, first line with the usernames and the second with the emailadresses.


Username Emailadress

jhornet jhornet@mail.com

How can I import this info to the AD within a safe and nice way, maybe with a check in it?

This is what I have till now (without CSV):

Import-Module activedirectory

$company = "International"
$username = Get-Content c:\users.txt
$emailadress = Get-Content c:\mail.txt

foreach($user in $username)
 Set-ADuser -Identity $user -Company $company


foreach($emailadress in $username)
Set-ADuser -Identity $user -EmailAddress $emailadress

Still learning a lot with powershell, some things are just hard to understand and better to see :)

Thanks in advance!



I'm going out on a shaky limb here because I've never used the AD commands before but it should go something like this:

Import-Module activedirectory

$company = "International"
$users = Import-Csv c:\user.csv
$users # dumps users to allow visual inspection
read-host "press Enter to continue or Ctrl+C to abort"
$users | Foreach {Set-ADUser -Identity $_.username -Company $company -whatif}
$users | Foreach {Set-ADUser -Identity $_.username -EmailAddress $_.emailaddress -whatif}

Remove the -WhatIf parameter when you think the commands are going to work correctly.

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