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HTML DOM - element.appendChild() doesn't behave as I expect it to

link to code (js and css can be found through the page source): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16952797/webdev/uppg1/kontakt.html alt link: http://jsfiddle.net/DdQhk/ (although jsfiddle does not render the page properly)

relevant lines of code (function createFormBug() - line 31 to 66 in kontakt.js) code:

function createFormBug() {
    var form = document.createElement("form");
    var fieldset = document.createElement("fieldset");
    var legend = document.createElement("legend");
    var labelFunction = document.createElement("label");
    var labelInterface = document.createElement("label");
    var labelComment = document.createElement("label");
    var radioFunction = document.createElement("input");
    radioFunction.type = "radio";
    var radioInterface = document.createElement("input");
    radioInterface.type = "radio";
    var textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
    var buttonSubmit = document.createElement("input");
    radioInterface.type = "submit";

    form.id = "formBug";

    legend.textContent = "Bugg";




context: I'm trying to create a form dynamically by using js, unfortunately some elements aren't being appended for some reason.

partial output of generated html when run on Chrome (relevant section):

<div id="divForm">
    <form id="formBug">
            <input type="radio">
            <input type="submit">

I think your code is working pretty much as you might expect it to. The only obvious mistake is that you are setting radioInterface.type = "submit"; where you presumably mean buttonSubmit.type = "submit"; .

It should be apparent that this works fine if you actually put some content in to make elements like label actually visible...

Something like this, perhaps?

var form = document.createElement("form");
var fieldset = document.createElement("fieldset");
var legend = document.createElement("legend");

var labelFunction = document.createElement("label");
labelFunction.textContent = 'Function'; // <-- added
var labelInterface = document.createElement("label");
labelInterface.textContent = 'Interface'; // <-- added
var labelComment = document.createElement("label");
labelComment.textContent = 'Comment'; // <-- added

var radioFunction = document.createElement("input");
radioFunction.type = "radio";
var radioInterface = document.createElement("input");
radioInterface.type = "radio";

var textarea = document.createElement("textarea");

var buttonSubmit = document.createElement("input");
buttonSubmit.type = "submit"; // <-- corrected

I believe your code to actually add them to the document should be working fine.

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