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How to make a change event only run one time the event is called for a class

I'm designing a multi dynamic select menus, ie, I have a menu for brands, after the user select the brand, using javascript and AJAX, I will search for the models available from that brand and add them to the second select menu. This process repeats again but this time showing the features of the model selected.

To do this, and because I have many different areas that need the same system, I use a class with the same name in every brand select menu and another one to every model select menu.

  <div class='brand_select' id='14'>
    <%= f.collection_select :brand, Product.find_all_by_area(14, :group => 'brand'), :brand, :brand, :prompt => 'Choose brand' %>
  <div class='model_select'>
     <%= f.collection_select :model, Product.find_all_by_area(14), :model, :model, :prompt => 'Choose model' %> 

  <div class='brand_select' id='15'>
    <%= f.collection_select :brand, Product.find_all_by_area(15, :group => 'brand'), :brand, :brand, :prompt => 'Choose brand' %>
  <div class='model_select'>
     <%= f.collection_select :model, Product.find_all_by_area(15), :model, :model, :prompt => 'Choose model' %> 

And the Javacript:

$('.brand_select').change(function(event) {
    // option selected
    var brand=$(event.target).find('option:selected').val();

    // if none is selected
    if (brand == ''){
    else {
        // find id to search on the database
        var id=$(event.target).parent().attr('id');
        // find the target (id of the object)
        var target=$(event.target).attr('id');

            type: "POST",
            url: "http://"+location.host+"/model/"+brand+"/"+id+"/"+target,
            brand: brand,
            id: id,
            target: target

$('.model_select').change(function(event) {
        // find model selected to search on the database
        var model=$(event.target).find('option:selected').val();
        // find brand selected to search on the database
        var brand=$(event.target).parent().parent().find('.marca_select').find('option:selected').val();
        // find id to search on the database
        var id=$(event.target).parent().parent().find('.marca_select').attr('id');
        // find the target (id of the object)
        var target=$(event.target).attr('id');

            type: "POST",
            url: "http://"+location.host+"/feature/"+brand+"/"+model+"/"+id+"/"+target,
            brand: brand,
            model: model,
            id: id,
            target: target

This code works but it repeats the event change the same number of times as the classes with that name.

What I want to do is for the function to run only one time every time a change event is called for the class.

I don't know if this is possible with class structure that I have or if I have to associate an id or a class with different names for each area to the function.

I don't see why the event should fire twice because all you're doing with $(selector).change is saying that every time a change event fires on something with that selector you want to handle it. I even ran a quick test to be sure and it doesn't fire more than once.

Can you explain a bit better what the symptom actually is? As in, what actually happens twice? Does everything in your event handler happens twice?

I was thinking that your selectors for the actions you perform on the parents might be a bit too lax ($(event.target).parent().parent()) so if you only want to do something on the container where your event was fired that wouldn't be the best way (but then again I don't know what your end purpose is here).

That for your help, I found out that the problem has nothing to do with Javascript but is instead on the Ruby on Rails.

I was adding on application.html.erb other js files and if you have the //= require_tree on the application.js it adds every js file in the tree, so adding js files on application.html.erb will make them repeat and cause strange behaviors like this one.

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