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Want to batch move all files from directories and sub directories in to a different folders

I have a Windows directory and in it I have 4000 main sub-directories, in those main sub-directories I have 4000 sub-directories in which I have around 20 files each with syntax File_CreationDate_NUMBER_name.ext .




F:\\DIR\\MAINSUB1\\SUB3\\file2_date_*.txt .... till 400 SUB directories then




There are 4000 MainSub directories and in each MainSub directory there are 10000 sub Directories.

I want a batch file which copies these files from SUB1, SUB2 ... under MAINSUB directories ...


D:\\FILES\\MAINSUB1\\all the files from its SUBS into it..

D:\\FILES\\MAINSUB2\\all the files from its SUBS into it..

.... for all 4000 MAINSUB directories

I also want it to give me a prompt to add date in format DDMMYYYY and NUMBER from 0-4.

This will handle the move of files (if used from command line, replace %% with %).

for /D %%f in ("d:\files\*") do for /D %%g in ("%%~ff\*") do move "%%~fg\*" "%%~ff"

Not sure where you want the timestamp added. Adjust as needed

EDIT - to adapt to comments

@echo off

setlocal enableextensions

rem from/where to copy
set "source=f:\dir"
set "target=d:\files"

set /p "df=date of files ? :"
set /p "nf=number ? :"

rem ensure final target directory exists
if not exist "%target%" mkdir "%target%"

rem do file copy
for /D %%f in ("f:\files\*") do (
    if not exist "%target%\%%~nxf" mkdir "%target%\%%~nxf" > nul
    for /D %%g in ("%%~ff\*") do (
        copy "%%~fg\*_%df%_%nf%*" "%target%\%%~nxf"


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