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Rails installation emitting error

I put this into the terminal:

sudo gem install rails -V

And I'm getting this error output:

200 OK
GET http://rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/rack-1.4.2.gemspec.rz
302 Moved Temporarily
GET http://bb-m.rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/rack-1.4.2.gemspec.rz
200 OK
GET http://rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/rack-1.4.3.gemspec.rz
302 Moved Temporarily
GET http://rubygems.global.ssl.fastly.net/quick/Marshal.4.8/rack-1.4.3.gemspec.rz
200 OK
GET http://rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/rack-1.4.4.gemspec.rz
302 Moved Temporarily
GET http://rubygems.global.ssl.fastly.net/quick/Marshal.4.8/rack-1.4.4.gemspec.rz
200 OK
GET http://rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/rack-1.4.5.gemspec.rz
302 Moved Temporarily

... at which point it finally says that it cannot install rails.

UPDATE: Problem was that I had Ruby 1.8.7 installed. I just updated to v2.0.0 with the help of Uninstalling and upgrading Ruby on a Mac without using RVM .

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