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Symfony2 Authentication system logical issue

I'm trying to write a authorization system combining with the Symfony itself. My logic is like this:

  1. there is a User table who holds the system users.
  2. there is a Role table who take care of roles.
  3. there is a Permission table who keeps the Each part of websites' permission.
  4. there is a User_Role table which tells us which user is is which Role.
  5. there is a Role_Permission table which define Each Role's permission.

I have created the tables in the database and their relationships. and imported them to Symfony ( created entity ).

and now the problem is:

* @inheritDoc
public function getRoles()
    return array('ROLE_TEST');

How can I load each user's roles in the roles array?

public function getRoles()
    $roles = array();
    // Checking that the user has permissions attached
    if ($this->getPermissions() !== null)
        // Looping on the permissions
        foreach($this->getPermissions() as $permission)
            // Checking that the permission has roles attached
            if ($permission->getRoles() !== null)
                // Looping on the roles for each permission
                foreach($permission->getRoles() as $role)
                    $roles[] = $role->getName();
    return $roles;

Better solution is to create a UserManager Service and to get the roles via the Doctrine Query Builder (Less calls to the database):

/** @var EntityManager $this->em */
$roles = $this->em->createQueryBuilder()
    ->from('AcmeBundle:Role', 'r')
    ->innerJoin('r.permissions', 'p')
    ->innerJoin('p.users', 'u')
    ->where('u = :user')
    ->setParameter(':user', $user)

Thanks to Guillaume Verbal, I found another solution for that. I made a view which just return User id and roles of the users ( make 4 tables one by view ) and finally make a logical relationship between user and user_role(view) tables. everything just work fine.

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