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Make a checkbox look like a button CSS

I think what I am trying to achieve can be done in a simpler manner. However I have little JS experience and none in the way of CSS. So I'm utilizing prebuilt CSS and JS code and subtlety modifying it. So I will explain my end goal and see if what I currently have is acceptable.

  1. A top menu on the webpage that has push buttons and checkboxes that all visually look the same
  2. I would like checkboxes to look like buttons, eg no checkbox only the label.
  3. I would like for the checkbox to still retain its functionality as a checkbox given the JS code it is calling
  4. Is the way I'm calling the JS code through the button and checkbox correct or too complicated?


<li><a title="Zoom to U.S" input type="button" name="US" onclick="US();"><span>Zoom to U.S.</span></a></li>  
<li><a title="Test 1 KML"><input type="checkbox" id="kml-red-check" name="kml-red-check" onclick="toggleKml("red");"><span>Test 1 KML</span></a></li>

It is not possible to change the appearence of a checkbox so radically using CSS.

What you CAN do though, is style a label element enough to make it look like a button. Due to the nature of the label element, clicking it will toggle the state of the checkbox keeping your functionality intact.

Here is how to do it


    <label for="kml-red-check">I am a button!</label>
    <input type="checkbox" id="kml-red-check" name="kml-red-check" onchange="toggleKml("red");">

Note that I've changed the onclick handler to onchange since now it is impossible to click the checkbox itself. Its value changes though when you click on the label


   //Your CSS goes that makes the label look like a button goes here

 .hidden { position: absolute; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; } input[type=checkbox]+label { color: #ccc; font-style: italic; } input[type=checkbox]:checked+label { color: #f00; font-style: normal; }
 <input type="checkbox" class="hidden" name="cb" id="cb"> <label for="cb">text</label>


Won't work on lt IE9 though.

edit: Following your markup it should be something like this:

<li><input id="cb1" name="cb1-name" type="checkbox" onkeypress="setTimeout('checkIt(\'cb1\')',100);"><label for="cb1" onclick="setTimeout('checkIt(\'cb1\')',100);">text 1</label></li>
<li><input id="cb2" name="cb2-name" type="checkbox" onkeypress="setTimeout('checkIt(\'cb2\')',100);"><label for="cb2" onclick="setTimeout('checkIt(\'cb2\')',100);">text 2</label></li>

And then check if the checkbox is checked or not in your function. onchange / onclick in a checkbox doesn't work in IE

edited again: changed NAME attribute so you won't end up having problems further along the line. And added a little workaround for the unresponsive, though ultimately desired, onchange functionality in IE8. Eventually you should add a timer to your function, rather than inline.

function checkIt(e){
    } else {
  <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.abc" ng-change="vm.go()"/>
  <span>this is button add some css to lokking like a button</span>

this will work like button , if you don't want to show checkbox use this

  <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.abc" ng-change=vm.go()" hidden=''/>
  <span>this is button add some css to lokking like a button</span>

check it out here https://jsfiddle.net/h0ntpwqk/2/

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