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Joomla 2.5 Strict Standards

I have this website i am building with Joomla! 2.5. It is a shopping cart and i was building it on my Xampp bu the minute i uploaded it to my server, it doesn't show anything on the front page. The admin section is okay but the front page doesn't show anything. When i turn on error reporting for development, i get the below error.

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/sites/mydomain/public_html/beta/plugins/system/jblibrary/jblibrary.php on line 26

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/sites/mydomain/public_html/beta/plugins/system/jblibrary/jblibrary.php on line 55

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/sites/mydomain/public_html/beta/plugins/system/jatypo/jatypo.php on line 55

Fatal error: t3import not found object: core.libs.browser in /home/sites/mydomain/public_html/beta/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/core/common.php on line 33

I took a look at one of the files throwing the error and the line below seemed like the problem.

$document =& JFactory::getDocument();

I have tried to modify it to;

$document = JFactory::getDocument();

But the error is still thrown. I have also tried switching the PHP versions but the error persists. I just can't seem to figure out why the site is working on my localhost and not on my server. Any ideas? Thanks

The last line of your errors tells you why Joomla is white-screening. The Strict standards warnings are just warnings, they don't stop execution.

Fatal error: t3import not found object: core.libs.browser in /home/sites/mydomain/public_html/beta/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/core/common.php on line 33

A Fatal error is just that, it can't be recovered from.

In this case, your website is crashing because the front-end Joomla is trying to load a T3 based template that in turn tries to load the T3 framework which needs /jat3/jat3/core/common.php and it can't find it on the live server.

If it's working on your Xampp setup then it probably means you didn't move it correctly/move all the files or set the paths up correctly in the configuration.php .

The easiest and safest way to move a site from development to live is to use Akeeba Backup in conjunction with Akeeba Kickstart which will package your development site into a single file and include an installer in it. Then you can upload the backup file and the kickstart file to your server and follow the kickstart documentation to "restore" your development version to the live server.

i had just encountered this error when i deployed my joomla instance from windows to a linux server. t3import is looking for /core/libs/browser.php but the actual filename is Browser.php. Linux is case-sensitive so it didn't find the correct file. i just renamed Browser.php to browser.php and it worked fine.

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