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Yii routing on form action

I have a problem where, when submitting my form, it seems to ignore my routing and redirects me to the Home instead.

In my main.php routing:

'<language\w+>/profile/<slug:[\w\-]+>'  => 'profile/index',
'<language\w+>/<action:\w+>'            => 'site/index',

My form:

<form action="<?php echo Yii::app()->getBaseUrl()."/".Yii::app()->language;?>
/profile/calendar" method="post">

Which outputs to

<form action="/domainname/nl/profile/calendar" method="post">

Note: domainname is there because I'm testing this on localhost.

However, when pressing the submit button it forwards me to the home instead of the correct page. Simply visiting /domainname/nl/profile/calendar in the browser does work and gives me the correct controller. I don't know why it isn't working in the form.

In a different form on the same website, I have the following, which again does work fine for the routing:

<form action="/domainname/nl/profile/info" method="post">

The difference between these 2 forms is that the last one is created through CActiveForm widget and the first one isn't.

Make simple post request to "/domainname/nl/profile/info" and watch for response headers. Or you can analyze existing requests with tcpdump or something simular

I managed to work around the issue by switching my manual form to use the CActiveForm widget after all. It seems I needed the yii_cs_csrf_token that is automatically generated by CActiveForm .

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