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Devise, OmniAuth and Google Apps “Connected Sites, Apps and Services” name

I am using Devise with OmniAuth+OpenID to authenticate users against our Google Apps domain. However, when I go into Account -> Security -> Connected Applications and Sites", my application shows up as

localhost — Sign in using your Google account

My OmniAuth is configured like this:

config.omniauth :google_apps, :store => OpenID::Store::Filesystem.new('/tmp'), :domain => 'domain.com'

Where can I set the application name, so users are aware what exactly they are authenticating?

As far as I know, the open-id gem is just a quick and dirty way to get some authentication using a Gmail account. Since you don't register an app, you can't customize the authentication prompt, like choosing a name, a description and a logo of your application.

To do that, you should register your app at Google's Cloud Console , get your API key and secret and use them with the omniauth-google-oauth2 gem .

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