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Can't assign html .src to a javascript variable

I'm trying to switch an image on a HTMLbutton using javascript.

It works, but I think it loads the image every time I click the button, and that's not good. So I want to load the images only one time and than I can switch between the images. This Is what I have now.

mute.onclick=function () {

if (audioEngine.isMuted)

But I think every time I click the button it looks in the path "images/unmuted.png" to see what's there and load it. So I was thinking this is an easy fix. I just define a variable unmuteImage and assign that to document.getElementById('muteIcon').src. Like this

var unmuteImage=new Image();

mute.onclick=function () {

if (audioEngine.isMuted)

But when I do this, I get the following error in my consols:

GET file:///path/to/the/mian/html/file/[object%20HTMLImageElement]  (In red text)

And I don't get the image, I get the "borken image" picture because somehow it didn't find the picture.

Can somebody help me please? Thanks

this may work for you if you have jquery


other wise you have to use src itself

document.getElementById('muteIcon').src = unmuteImage.src;

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