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JavaScript innerHTML trough form object

I have a form that I wish to use more than one time in the same page. Is a upload form working with a javascript. The issue is how to display feedback messages in each form, can't use document.getElementById because the id will be the same, so I changed the name of the form and access the form elements by document.forms. But, as you see in the example below...

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Label Changing: form approach</title>
function ini(){
    var form = document.forms["myForm"];
    document.getElementById("myLabel").innerHTML = "Usual Way Working";
    form.myLabel.innerHTML = "My Label Text";


<body onload="ini();">
<form name="myForm">
    <label name="myLabel" id="myLabel"></label>

the text "My Label Text" will not be displayed, it returns error: TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'form.myLabel.innerHTML = "My Label Text"'), and only "Usual Way Working" remains. Why? How can I write inside label trough form way?

You can't access any element in a form that way, only controls.

Had you written

<form name="myForm">
    <input id="myInput">

then you could have accessed the input with form.myInput . But not labels or other elements.

You can write form.getElementById('myLabel') though.

If you want to access any element by name rather than by ID, you can use the javascript querySelector function. For your original example that would be

var label = document.querySelector('form[name="myForm"] label[name="myLabel"]');
label.innerHTML = "My Label Text";

See jsFiddle .

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