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Where to find Emacs Helm documentation

Helm is a great framework for selection and autocompletion. Reading Anything page on Emacs Wiki , I know Helm evolved from Anything. The page advises user to update extensions written for Anything to be used with Helm but provided no instruction on how to do. Helm wiki doesn't provide any helpful information on writing extensions using Helm framework (it's not even user-editable, contains grammatical errors that no one fixes or pull requests are not accepted, which I find really unwelcome). I've been extensively using Helm recently and like it a lot, and I want to write a cheatsheet (similar to the excellent Clojure cheatsheet ) to serve my workflow better. So my questions are:

  • Is the (outdated) Anything documentation applicable to current Helm? And how compatible is it?

  • Is there any useful documentation about Helm which explains how it works and how to write extensions using it? I've been Googling for a while but I couldn't find anything helpful enough.

I'm a Lisper and I don't mind reading source code at all. However, it's a time-consuming process so I just want to look for all the available information first before deciding to dig into the source code.

至于为掌舵编写新的扩展,我会推荐伴随此的16分钟视频: https//github.com/krisajenkins/helm-spotify

关于Helm日常使用,请查看自己联盟中的A Package

A very good tutorial was written by John Kitchin: http://wikemacs.org/wiki/How_to_write_helm_extensions

(first of the three original post blogs: http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/blog/2015/01/24/Anatomy-of-a-helm-source/ )

He introduces:

  • the simplest kind of helm interface with a fixed set of candidates
  • A simple dynamic set of candidates
  • A simple fixed set of candidates from a list of cons cells.
  • Candidates and one action
  • More than one action
  • Handling multiple selections
  • Actions when there is no match

This is much appreciated, thanks John !

The latest helm wiki is https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm/wiki . That could be usefull for emacs helm users.

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