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input type text onfocus function not calling

I have a table where each td element will contain a input type text.

    <td id="a1"><input type="text" id="a1t"/></td>
    <td id="a2"><input type="text" id="a2t"/></td>
    <td id="b1"><input type="text" id="b1t"/></td>
    <td id="b2"><input type="text" id="b2t"/></td>

I need to know the td id when text input is focused. I tried doing that by calling a js function with onfocus event attached to input type text, but the function is not getting called.

<input type="text" id="b2t" onfocus="cell_clicked('b2t')" />

Here is the function and a fiddle :

function cell_clicked(cell_no){

But the function is not getting called. Am i doing anything wrong?

Your code works fine, you have a setting wrong in jsfiddle.
Under Framework and extensions change onLoad to no wrap to make your function cell_clicked globally available.

See this http://jsfiddle.net/ywt8V/3/ (your fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ywt8V/ with just this setting is changed).

As a side-note, you could access the id of the parent table-cell like this:


Hope this helps

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
<td><div id="boom" class="selected"><input type="text" id="b2t" onfocus="cell_clicked(this.id)" /></div></td>

function cell_clicked(id){
    var foo = $( "#"+id ).parent(".selected").attr( "id" );

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