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Watir. Scroll to a certain point of the page

I am trying to automate an online survey on a website but I get this error each time:

Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError: unknown error: Element is not clickable at  
point (561, 864). Other element would receive the click: a id="habla_oplink_a"       

class="habla_oplink_a_normal hbl_pal_header_font_size hbl_pal_title_fg "

What I need to understand is how I can scroll to a certain point of the page so that my script can resume filling out the survey on the page.

This is my code that manages to fill out a portion of the survey but fails when it reaches a row which is not in view inside the browser (a row that requires the user to scroll down to):

buttons = browser.elements(:class => "assessment-choice")

buttons.each do |button|

I would also like to be able to change my code so that it only selects a specific option but the HTML on the page is not very friendly.

This is the webpage I am looking at: https://staging2.clearfit.com/assessment/assessment/95867fb272df436352a0bd5fbdd

The HTML of one of the options on the survey:

<a id="answers_79_0" class="assessment-choice" onmouseover="answerOver(this)"    onmouseout="answerOut(this)" onclick="setAssessmentAnswer(this, 3, '0', '79',   '#answers_49839163')">Strongly<br>Agree</a>

Using execute_script

To scroll to an element, you will need to execute javascript:

browser.execute_script('arguments[0].scrollIntoView();', button)

This can be seen to be working in the following script. Without the line to scroll, a chat tab overlays one of the buttons causing an exception.

require 'watir-webdriver'

browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
browser.goto 'https://staging2.clearfit.com/assessment/assessment/95867fb272df436352a0bd5fbdd'

buttons = browser.elements(:class => "assessment-choice")

buttons.each do |button|
    browser.execute_script('arguments[0].scrollIntoView();', button)

Using the watir-scroll gem

Note that you can install the watir-scroll gem to make the scrolling line nicer. The gem allows the line to simply be:

browser.scroll.to button

The script would then look like:

require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'watir-scroll'

browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
browser.goto 'https://staging2.clearfit.com/assessment/assessment/95867fb272df436352a0bd5fbdd'

buttons = browser.elements(:class => "assessment-choice")

buttons.each do |button|
    browser.scroll.to button

Firstly, this should be unnecessary. According to the spec , all element interactions require implicit scrolling to the element. If something does prevent this from happening, though, you can use this Selenium method instead of a javascript implementation:

buttons = browser.elements(:class => "assessment-choice")

buttons.each do |button|

  def scroll_to(param)
    args = case param
           when :top, :start
             'window.scrollTo(0, 0);'
           when :center
             'window.scrollTo(window.outerWidth / 2, window.outerHeight / 2);'
           when :bottom, :end
             'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);'
           when Array
             ['window.scrollTo(arguments[0], arguments[1]);', Integer(param[0]), Integer(param[1])]
             raise ArgumentError, "Don't know how to scroll to: #{param}!"


  # This method pulls the object on the page you want to interact with, then it 'jumps to it'.
  def jump_to(param)
    # Leveraging the scroll_to(param) logic, this grabs the cooridnates,
    # and then makes them an array that is able to be located and moved to.
    # This is helpful when pages are getting too long and you need to click a button
    # or interact with the browser, but the page 'Cannot locate element'.
    location = param.wd.location
    location = location.to_a

Then you just call jump_to(element) and it "Jumps" to it.

This is how I got around it- not sure if that is a normal way. The problem is it goes to point (0,0); working on a version that moves to it to center screen.

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