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How to read cookies in Scala play?

I'm adding Cookie like so:

              Redirect(routes.UserPage.form(usersignin.email)).withCookies(Cookie("guid", md5hash1cookie))

How could i read it?

If i use:


and i get error:

not found: value Http

UPD 1:

Correct way to use is 
  def form(msg: String = "") = Action {
    request => {
      //  guid = guId.toString();


How to get value out of coockie? println(request.cookies.get("guid")); returns Some(Cookie(guid,7a3bdea2ba59a196c02fb7bdbcdb4e26,None,/,None,false,false))

and i need just 7a3bdea2ba59a196c02fb7bdbcdb4e26 returned as string.


for(gu <- request.cookies.get("guid")){

您没有在Scala Play API中包含请求的共享状态,相反,您将必须使用Action { request =>方法来定义操作,在请求上,然后您可以通过request.cookies访问cookie。

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