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YII CListView How to add id to itemwrapper

In CListView there is a property called "itemsCssClass" which basically adds HTML class attribute to the Itemwrapper.

What if I like to add an ID or any other htmlOptions how will I do it on that wrapper..?

My code is :

    <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(

This code will produce this HTML:

<div id="boa_ads" class="list-view">
 <div class="summary">Displaying 1-4 of 4 results.</div>

   <div class="items"><!-- HERE ID LIKE TO ADD AN ID-->
     ----ITEMS GOES HERE ----


Thanks for your help in advance

From the Yii's source:

public function renderItems()
            echo CHtml::openTag($this->itemsTagName,array('class'=>$this->itemsCssClass))."\n";
            echo CHtml::closeTag($this->itemsTagName);

I just see class attribute is passed to the itemsTagName so you probably have to extend CListView to do it.

You can create a CCustomListView class (inside application/widgets folder) which extends from CListView and overwrite renderItems() function. For example:



class CCustomListView extends CListView

    public $itemsHtmlOptions;
     * Renders the data item list.
    public function renderItems()
        echo CHtml::openTag($this->itemsTagName, array_merge(array('class'=>$this->itemsCssClass), $this->itemsHtmlOptions))."\n";
            foreach($data as $i=>$item)
                if($j++ < $n-1)
                    echo $this->separator;
        echo CHtml::closeTag($this->itemsTagName);

In your view, you can use it like:

<?php $this->widget('application.widgets.CCustomListView', array(
    'dataProvider'=> 'your_data_provider',
    'itemsHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'color:blue', 'id' => 'your_id'),
)); ?>

So the style which in itemsHtmlOptions will be applied for the listview .

This link is also useful for you: How to extend CListView in order to remove extra yii added markup?

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