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document.getElementById vs jQuery $html() to receive Server-sent Event Data

I'm testing to receive data with SSE

This is my stream.php file:

header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
$time = date('r');
echo "data: test\n\n";

To receive data I use:

var source=new EventSource("stream.php");
      //document.getElementById("result").innerHTML+=e.data + "<br/>";

When I use document.getElementById("result") , it show the data repeatedly. But when I use $("#result").html(e.data) , it doesn't. Why ?

.innerHTML += adds to the already exsisting HTML, note the += , while jQuery's html() method overwrites the HTML every time.

jQuery has several other methods that adds to the existing markup, like append() .

Using the vanila script +=e.data you are appending the new content to the existing markup, but .html() overrides the existing values.

$("#result").append(e.data + '<br/>')


$("#result").html(function(_, html){
    return html += e.data + '<br/>';

The += in .innerHTML+= is appending the content to the existing content. That would be equivalent to $("#result").html($("#result").html() + e.data);

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