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Adding Boost to Score According to Payload of Multivalued Field at Solr

Here is my case;

I have a field at my schema named elmo_field . I want that elmo_field should have payloaded values. ie

dorothy|0.46  sesame|0.37  big bird|0.19 bird|0.22

When a user searches for a keyword ie dorothy I want to add 0.46 to usual score. If user searches for big bird , 0.19 should be added and if user searches for bird , 0.22 should be added (payloads are added - or payloads * normalize coefficient will be added).

I mean I will make a search on my index at my other fields of solr schema. And I will make another search (this one is an exact match search) at elmo_field at same time and if matches something I will increase score with payloads.

Any ideas?

I've implemented a custom similarity wrapper. For usual things I've used DefaultSimilarity. If a field is a payloaded field another similarity that is implemented by me is used. That similarity class just ignores payload value. I've also implemented a query parser that is a customized version of edismax. With that approach I could add payload value into the document score.

Have you looked at CustomScoreQuery ?

There's an example with some explanation how to do this at http://dev.fernandobrito.com/2012/10/building-your-own-lucene-scorer/

You could do a boost on a query as this question suggests: How to assign a weight to a term query in Lucene/Solr

Or you could try using payloads as described here: http://searchhub.org/2009/08/05/getting-started-with-payloads/

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