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To execute the AJAX call to ASP.NET WEb Application

Below is my code in code behind in ASP.NET Web Application

public string GetData(string name)
        WCF_Web_Service.Service1 client = new WCF_Web_Service.Service1();
        string Name=client.GetData(name);
        return Name;

Here I have consumed my simple WCF Service should hive output as Hello,

and below is the my jquery code

function asyncServerCall(name) {
            url: 'WebForm1.aspx/GetData',
            type: "POST",
            data: "{'name':" + name + "}",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (data) {

I have called this function in click event of button as follows

<input type="button" value="click me" onclick="asyncServerCall(1);" />,

I wanted to make AJAX call to call this method from WCF Service, when I click button I get following error

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) 

I am novice to use WCF Service and to make AJAx call to evoke its method, any help will be greatly appreciated....

Your GetData method needs to be a static web method, so change it to this.

public static string GetData(string name)
    WCF_Web_Service.Service1 client = new WCF_Web_Service.Service1();
    string Name=client.GetData(name);
    return Name;

Here's a good article on the why's but essentially it's because:

This is exactly why they must be marked as static. They cannot interact with the instance properties and methods of your Page class, because a page method call creates no instance of the Page or any of its controls.

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