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How to handle row double click in GridView?

I have a DevExpress GridControl. I want to handle a row doubleclicks with it. I do:

        private void УчасткиGridControlDoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GridControl grid = sender as GridControl;
        DXMouseEventArgs args = e as DXMouseEventArgs;
        var hitInfo = grid.Views[0].CalcHitInfo(args.Location) as GridHitInfo;


But i get message only if click on Row Indicator or Column Header.
How to handle clicks on row's cells?

Basically you should Handle GridView.DoubleClick

private void УчасткиGridControlDoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

GridView view = (GridView)sender;

Point pt = view.GridControl.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);

DoRowDoubleClick(view, pt);


   private static void DoRowDoubleClick(GridView view, Point pt) {

GridHitInfo info = view.CalcHitInfo(pt);

if(info.InRow || info.InRowCell) {

    string colCaption = info.Column == null ? "N/A" : info.Column.GetCaption();

    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("DoubleClick on row: {0}, column: {1}.", info.RowHandle, colCaption));


For more please refer to Devexpress Double Click

Note: This code works only when your grid is not editable

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