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Express routing conflicting with AngularJS routing.

I have routing code of the following nature in Express :

app.get("/profile/:param", function (req, res) 

This is coinciding with the path routing provided by AngularJS. For instance, when an Angular view of the nature /profile/someparam#view1 is loaded,the new URL pattern is picked up by Express, which assumes it to be of the type /profile/<someparam> . This is causing the controller associated with view1 to be called infinitely thereby crashing the page.

How do I get around this problem?

I was able to find the solution from here: AngularJS and ExpressJS routing conflicts . Basically, in the angular routing file, the templateURL needs to be pre-pended with a '/'. For eg, in my angular routing code, I had to change

$routeProvider.when('/routeName', {
        templateUrl: 'view1.html', 


$routeProvider.when('/routeName', {
        templateUrl: '/view1.html', 

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