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Yii CDbCriteria select with AS alias

I'm joining page_content table with the same and after that both have column named sef_url Following code returns an error. Is there any possibility to get the AS 'alias_name' use inside of CDbCriteria->select

$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->alias = 'p';
$criteria->select = array('p.sef_url, p.date_last_modified, pc.sef_url AS parent_sef_url');
$criteria->join = 'LEFT JOIN page_content pc ON p.parent_pageid = pc.pageid';

$criteria->condition = 'p.published=:published AND p.sitemap_index=:sitemap_index';
$criteria->params = array(':published'=>1,':sitemap_index'=>0); 

$result_arr = parent::model()->findAll($criteria);

echo '<pre>';

foreach($result_arr as $row) {
  echo $row['parent_sef_url'];

Also you should define a relation:

public function relations()
    return array(
        'parentPageContent'=>array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'PageItem', 'parent_pageid'),

After you can do that:

$pageContents = PageContent::model()->with('parentPageContent')->findAllByAttributes(array(':published'=>1,':sitemap_index'=>0));
foreach($pageContents as $pageContent){
    echo $pageContent->parentPageContent->sef_url;

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