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Access denied when trying to view path of xml file

I am trying to get the path for an xml file i created in my lightswitch application. however i am getting System.Security.SecurityException error saying access is denied.

var fileNme = Path.Combine(
Debug.WriteLine("app data path " + fileNme.ToString());

I am running the application locally on my computer and the eventually deploy to iis. Hopefully someone solution can help me out here.
Thank you.

I am not an expert in LightSwitch, but you can try this:

Assembly asm = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(<<assemblyNamespace>>.<<name_of_page_class>>));
string asmPath = asm.CodeBase;

string app_DataFolder = Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(asmPath.Remove(0, "file:\\\\\\".Length)) + "\\..\\App_Data");

string filePath = Path.Combine(app_DataFolder, "Sample.xml");

Hope it helps!

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