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android adb push not working

My problem is i can write files on sd card in emulator but i find the solution to this problem in stack overflow here to implement that you have to add a group media_rw under android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in platform.xml so for i successfully pulled the xml file but after editing the file i can't push that file so when i am pushing it gives the below error

[Java is awesome]:~$ adb push platform.xml /system/etc/permissions/ 
failed to copy 'platform.xml' to '/system/etc/permissions//platform.xml': Read-only file system

to overcome this i remount the adb and again i tried i gives the below error

[Java is awesome]:~$ adb remount
remount succeeded
[Java is awesome]:~$ adb push platform.xml /system/etc/permissions/
failed to copy 'platform.xml' to '/system/etc/permissions//platform.xml': Out of memory

so how can push the file or is there any alternative that can enable editing of file with in the adb shell Thanks in advance

You need to increase the /system partition size accordingly to account for the extra bytes in the file:

You can do this with the following command:

emulator -partition-size <size>

Where is the size depends on your system image plus the extra bytes.

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