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create function that support GET,POST and Command line arguments

I have a following class file. When valid_orginfo() function call, it checks that incoming data is command line argument or not. then insert_contact($b) function is call. where i pass array as parameter(here $b ).

What i am trying to do is make my function independent of data(means whatever it is GET,POST or command line argument). I don't want to changes in my function. but make one common solution that support every type of incoming data(POST or command line argument). Following class is working(test with $_POST ),but i am not satisfied with it.

so what can i do so function became independent?
Your suggestion to improve this type of things.
Thanks in advance.

class validation
    function valid_orginfo()
        $a = array();
        if(isset($argv)) {
            $b = $argv;
        }else {
            $b = $_POST;
        if($org_name!="" and $add!="")

    function insert_contact($b)
        global $mysqli;

        $query = "INSERT INTO `personal`(`first_name`, `last_name`) VALUES ('$sfname', '$slname')";

        $mysqli->query($query) or die($mysqli->error);
        return $mysqli->insert_id;


You can fake $_GET and $_POST if it is called from the command line:

if (!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) {
    parse_str($argv[1], $_GET);
    parse_str($argv[1], $_POST);

And call like: php script.php 'argument1=x&argument2=y'

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