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How to check for class inheritance in Coffeescript Mocha Test?

How do I check for the class of an object in a mocha spec in Coffeescript?

I have tried the following:

# foo.coffee
class Foo
module.exports = new Foo()

# foo_spec.coffee
should  = require 'should'
{ Foo } = require 'foo'
foo = new Foo

However, I receive ReferenceError Foo is not defined

I believe this to be the easiest approach:

# foo.coffee
class Foo
module.exports = new Foo()
module.exports.Foo = Foo # IMPORTANT, exports the actual class Foo

# foo_spec.coffee
should  = require 'should'
{ Foo } = require 'foo' # Requires said class Foo
foo = new Foo

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