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cake php passing the current logged in user array

cakephp is amazing but this auth stuff i haven't gotten all the pieces, my question is simple. I want to pass the current logged in users array data so i can use it in a view. I use animal names as my testing names

class UsersController extends AppController {

     public function cat() {
        $this->set('cat',$this->Auth->login($this->request->data) );
            //I also tried $this->Auth->login()

now my view //cat.ctp

<?php echo print_r($cat)?> //returns 11


<?php print_r($this->Session->read('Auth.User')); ?>

在您的控制器中,$ this-> Auth-> user()将返回一个包含当前用户数据的数组。

You can retrieve authentified user's data from the controller using

exp: $this->Auth->user('username');

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