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post data using ajax and js

Every time i try to use my classes below to post the array i made (also below) the ajax request doesn't pass the input as $_POST values but as $_REQUEST values seen in the web address bar at the top of the screen. I'm very new to Ajax and javascript (only been working with it about a month) so any tips and trick to fix anything below is greatly appreciated.

var formErrors=["Passage","FirstName","Zip"];
var formInput=["EventID","Passage","FirstName","LastName","Email","Organization","Location","Zip"];

Head of HTML

    $(function () {
        $("#signUp").click(function() {
            if(formArrayValidation(formErrors) != false) {      
                formPostAjax(formInput, 'join-event.php');
            return false;                   


formArrayValidation = function(errorArray) {
for(var i = 0; i < errorArray.length; i++) {
    var name = $("input#" + errorArray[i]).val();  
    if (name == "") {  
        $("label#" + errorArray[i] + "_error").show();  
        $("input#" + errorArray[i]).focus();  
        return false;
formPostAjax = function(inputArray, form) {
var dataString = "";
for(var i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++)
    var data = inputArray[i];
    var dataInput = $("input#" + data).val();
    if(i = 0) {
        dataString = dataString + data + '=' + dataInput;
    else {
        dataString = dataString + '&' + data + '=' + dataInput;
$.ajax ({  
    type: "POST",  
    url: form,  
    data: dataString,  
    success: function() { 

Your event listener should be on the form and it should be:


Additionally, jQuery provides a nice shortcut method for serializing form data:

   var post_data = $(this).serialize()
   // ....
   return false;

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