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Send NSNotification from AppDelegate

I want to send an NSNotification from this method (when the UIButton is clicked) in my AppDelegate.m:

- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView 

if (buttonIndex == 0){
    //cancel clicked ...do your action
    // HERE

..and receive it in one of my UIViewControllers . How can I do that?

EDIT WITH MORE INFO: I am making an alarm app, and when the user presses the UIButton , I want to stop the alarm. I figured that NSNotifications is the only way to get information from my AppDelegate.m file to a ViewController.m file?

You should to register your receiver object to accept some messages sent from Notification Center.

Suppose you have Obj A which controls your alarm, and value "stopAlarm" is the message which can stop alarm. You should create an observer for a "stopAlarm" message.

You can do, with:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

Now, you should create a method controller that manages this messages:

 - (void)controller:(NSNotification *) notification {

     if ([[notification name] isEqualToString:@"stopAlarm"]){

         //Perform stop alarm with A object

Finally, you can send the message "stopAlarm" when you want in the code with:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]

I Hope this may help.


When your UIViewController are unloaded or when app terminate, you should call:

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];

for stop observing. That's all.

Thanks to Hot licks for correction.

You may want to create a class–maybe even a singleton if there is only one alarm–that manages the timer. That way you can manage from any place in your application rather than in the view controller. Take a look at:




As Hot Licks mentioned, you really do not want to jump into this without knowing what is going on. Hopefully these links will help get you going in the right direction.

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