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Html5 Canvas Javascript making my webpage links unresponsive

I have an html5 canvas animation. When it runs it makes my page unresponsive or rather my links to navigate the page become unresponsive. No code is directly doing this. I think it is because the javascript is slowing down the browser to much. Anyways heres a jsfiddle to the code


When I remove the include main javascript file (the one in fiddle) the links work fine. If I comment out the setInterval timer in the code the web page remains unresponsive. If I comment out the calls to the cloud and light function under the draw function which is drawing elements based off of the 2 other libraries the web page still remains unresponsive.

Could someone help me figure out why this is happening?

Thank you!

I would also like to add there are no errors in the web console as well.

Here I also decided to include the javascript:

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'),

var fullC = Math.PI * 2; // Ending circle angle

var cW = canvas.width; // canvas width

var cH = canvas.height; // canvas height

var sizeInc = 0;

var globCount = 0; // how many times start is called

// cloud vars //

var radius = 90; // radious for clouds

var clX = radius / 2;

var clY = radius / 2;

var centreX = context.canvas.width / 2;

var centreY = context.canvas.height / 2;

var colour = {r:255, g:255, b:254};

var alpha = 0.2;

var circles = 20; // number of circles in the cloud 

// rain vars //

var rain = [];

var rainC = 55;

/// Rain objects ///

rain[0] = {

speed: getRandomInt(5,20),
rx:getRandomInt(0,canvas.width + 1000)


for(var i = 1; i <= rainC; i++){

rain[i] = {

    speed: getRandomInt(5,20),
    rx:getRandomInt(0,canvas.width + 1000)



/// Lightning ///

var lt = new lightning({glow: false});

var drawL = false;

/// Starts the Animation ///

function start(){

globCount ++;



/// Draw calls all the components of the animation ///

function draw(){



/// Lightning Function ///

function light(){

var modResult = globCount % 50;

var modResult1 = globCount % 10;

if(modResult === 0){

    drawL = true;
if(modResult1 === 0){



if(drawL === true){

    lt.show(getRandomInt(100,canvas.width - 25),800, getRandomInt(100,canvas.width), canvas.height);
    drawL = false;


/// Draws the clouds ///

function clouds(){

/// Draws a concentrated cluster and a sparse cluster ///
for(var i = 0; i <= 14; i++){

    $cloudgen.drawCloud(context, clX + (i * radius) - 10, clY, radius + 20, colour, alpha, circles);

    $cloudgen.drawCloud(context, clX + (i * radius) - 10, clY, radius, colour, 0.15, circles);



/// Rain function ///

function rainIt(){

/// Draws all the rain ///

    context.fillStyle = 'rgba(102,217,239,.5)';

    /// Resets rains x y points ///
    if(rain.ry > canvas.height || rain.ry < 0){

        rain.ry = 0;
        rain.rx = getRandomInt(0,canvas.width);


    if(rain.rx > canvas.width || rain.rx < 0){

        rain.ry = 0;
        rain.rx = getRandomInt(0,canvas.width);


    rain.rx = rain.rx + getRandomInt(1,12);

    rain.ry = rain.ry + rain.speed;



/// Sets the background ///

function setBack(){

context.fillStyle = 'rgba(61,131,227,0.5)';


/// Clears Canvas ///

function clearIt(){



/// Random number maker ///

function getRandomInt (min, max) {

return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;



You use some lightening code, it creates canvas which is overlay all other elements. So it blocks other elements from mouse input. Here what I see in chrome debugging tools:

<canvas width="1024px" height="888px" id="lightning_canvas" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;"></canvas>

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