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PHP Simple HTML DOM Scrape External URL

I'm trying to build a personal project of mine, however I'm a bit stuck when using the Simple HTML DOM class.

What I'd like to do is scrape a website and retrieve all the content, and it's inner html, that matches a certain class.

My code so far is:

    //use curl to get html content
    $url = 'http://www.peopleperhour.com/freelance-seo-jobs';

    $html = file_get_html($url);

    //Get all data inside the <div class="item-list">
    foreach($html->find('div[class=item-list]') as $div) {
    //get all div's inside "item-list"
    foreach($div->find('div') as $d) {
    //get the inner HTML
    $data = $d->outertext;
    echo "END";

All I get with this is a blank page with "END", nothing else outputted at all.

It seems your $data variable is being assigned a different value on each iteration. Try this instead:

$data = "";
foreach($html->find('div[class=item-list]') as $div) {
    //get all divs inside "item-list"
    foreach($div->find('div') as $d) {
         //get the inner HTML
         $data .= $d->outertext;

I hope that helps.

I think, you may want something like this

$url = 'http://www.peopleperhour.com/freelance-seo-jobs';
$html = file_get_html($url);
foreach ($html->find('div.item-list div.item') as $div) {
    echo $div . '<br />';

This will give you something like this (if you add the proper style sheet, it'll be displayed nicely)


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