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Riak map reduce in erlang, error when try to list index/metadata

I am trying to use map reduce in Riak to do this:

  1. query over all keys in bucket X
  2. with index 'last_modify_int' between 1 and 10
  3. map the key and the value of the index tag_bin

in javascript the map will be

function(riakObject) {
          var indexes = riakObject.values[0].metadata.index;
          var tag_bin = indexes.tag_bin;

          return (tag_bin)? [
              riakObject.key, tag_bin
          ] : [];

but I can't do this in javascript. I am storing non-json data (binary) and I can't convert to JSON. and I can't convert to base64 or other formats.

I decide to use Erlang. but how I can fetch the index 'tag_bin' ?

I am trying to adapt this example just to list all index/metadata/etc without success.



% Returns bucket and key pairs from a map phase
get_keys(Value,_Keydata,_Arg) ->
  [{riak_object:bucket(Value), riak_object:index_data(Value) }].

I am storing data in bucket training, key baz, and indexes last_modify_int => 3, tag_bin => 'even'

but it throws one exception:

Error in 'map_reduce' : Riak Error (code: 0) '{"phase":0,"error":"undef","input":"{ok,{r_object,<<\"training\">>,<<\"baz\">>,[{r_content,{dict,4,16,16,8,80,48,{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]},{{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[[<<\"content-type\">>,112,108,97,105,110,47,116,101,120,116],[<<\"X-Riak-VTag\">>,53,100,98,54,69,79,103,103,70,75,70,48,85,105,50,110,73,78,57,101,101,69]],[[<<\"index\">>,{<<\"last_modify_int\">>,3},{<<\"tag_bin\">>,<<\"even\">>}]],[],[[<<\"X-Riak-Last-Modified\">>|{1386,780017,102696}]],[],[]}}},<<86,48,45,61,115,114,108,1,0,40,43,1,40,43,8,32,206,...>>}],...},...}","type":"error","stack":"[{riak_object,index_data,[{r_object,<<\"training\">>,<<\"baz\">>,[{r_content,{dict,4,16,16,8,80,48,{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]},{{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[[<<\"content-type\">>,112,108,97,105,110,47,116,101,120,116],[<<\"X-Riak-VTag\">>,53,100,98,54,69,79,103,103,70,75,70,48,85,105,50,110,73,78,57,101,101,69]],[[<<\"index\">>,{<<\"last_modify_int\">>,3},{<<\"tag_bin\">>,<<\"even\">>}]],[],[[<<\"X-Riak-Last-Modified\">>|{1386,780017,102696}]],[],[]}}},<<86,48,45,61,115,114,108,1,...>>}],...}],...},...]"}' at t/17_2i_map_reduce.t line 72.

If I try this function:

get_keys(Value,_Keydata,_Arg) ->
  [{riak_object:bucket(Value), riak_object:get_metadata(Value) }].

The error is:

Error in 'map_reduce' : Riak Error (code: 0) 'Error processing stream message: exit:{json_encode,

someone can help me?





% Returns bucket and key pairs from a map phase
get_keys(Value,_Keydata,_Arg) ->
  Meta  = riak_object:get_metadata(Value),
  Index = dict:fetch(<<"index">>, Meta),
  [{riak_object:key(Value), Index} ].

I can return all indexes, but in some cases I have one index with more than one value and this way it returns only the last index value. Help.

Ok I discover the problem.

Index is an array of tuples and I was using keyfind to return the index value for tag_bin and it was returning the last element.

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