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How do I pass a variable to a javascript file <script src=“../js/myfilename.js”></script>

How do I pass a variable to a javascript file?

Here is the call to my js file that I have on my page:

<script src="../js/myfilename.js"></script>

Here is the value that I want to pass into the javascript file:

language_value_xxx = "uk";

Here is the trimmed down javascript file (myfilename.js):

(function (language_value_xxx) {
language: language_value_xxx,


<script> language_value_xxx = "uk"; </script>
<script src="../js/myfilename.js"></script>


<script data-lang='uk' src="../js/myfilename.js"></script>

// filename.js
var lang = []

Anyway, this methods are not a good practice at all )

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