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Web Socket Secure URL Encryption

Is the URL itself encrypted as well when using wss:// ? For example, say you have a simple Sinatra web application that accepts web socket connections:

class App < Sinatra::Base

  get "/ws/:api_key/room/:id" do |api_key, id|
    user = User.find_by(api_key: api_key)
    room = Room.find(id)

    if RoomAuthenticator.new(room).authorized?(user)
      request.websocket do |ws|
        ws.onopen { publish(room, "#{user.name} connected.") }

Then from the client/browser, in JavaScript:

new WebSocket("wss://" + window.location.host + "/ws/" + user.api_key + "/room/" + room.id);

Is the user.api_key in the URL encrypted or is it susceptible to attacks?

Yes, the URL will be encrypted. Secure web sockets use Transport Layer Security (just like HTTPS does) to tunnel all data over the secure connection. See section 4 of RFC 6455 :

If /secure/ is true, the client MUST perform a TLS handshake over the connection after opening the connection and before sending the handshake data. [...] all further communication on this channel MUST run through the encrypted tunnel.

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