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Relations Laravel 4 from 3 tables

i'm starting to learn laravel 4 but i'm still far, I already took a look ORM and relations so i have the following question:

I have 3 type of table: users, posts, content_post and i would like have the ralations having like result all the posts and contents about a user.

users table

id | userame | name |
 1    Ellie    Elen
 2    Pol      Paul

posts table

id | id_poster |
 1      1
 2      1
 3      2


id | id_post | text | link | video | photo
 1      1      hey    NULL   NULL    tree.png
 2      2      woo    http   NULL    NULL
 3      3      Hi     NULL   NULL    NULL


    class User Extends Eloquent {

     function posts() {
         return $this->belongsToMany('posts','id_poster');


    class Posts Extends Eloquent {

     function user() {
         return $this->HasOne('users');

     function content() {
       return $this->HasOne('content_post','id_post');


  class Content Extends Eloquent {

     function posts() {
         return $this->HasOne('posts');



and then i'll go to get the results like so but it doesn't show me nothing

$user = new User;
$user = $user->find(1)->posts();

Where i'm doing error?

You should declare relations in this way:

class User Extends Eloquent {

    function posts() {
        return $this->hasMany('Posts','id_poster'); /* Note that 'Posts' is model name - not table */


class Posts Extends Eloquent {

    function user() {
        return $this->belongsTo('User', 'id_poster');

    function content() {
        return $this->hasOne('Content','id_post');


class Content Extends Eloquent {

   function posts() {
       return $this->belongsTo('Posts', 'id_post');

After you can try to request user with posts:

$user = new User();
$user = $user->with('posts.content')->find(1);

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