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Excel Formula: How to match a part of one cell to the part of another and remit the matched cell's value

I am trying to create a formula that will look in the range of date cells (C23:C28) and see if any of them contain the same month as the month listed in date cell B33. If so, I need it to remit the exact date listed in the matched cell (in column C). Any insight will help. Thanks!

Try this formula

=IFERROR(INDEX(C23:C28,MATCH(B33-DAY(B33)+1,INDEX(C23:C28-DAY(C23:C28)+1,0),0)),"No match")

The formula converts all dates (B33 and C23:C28) to the 1st of the relevant month and then makes the comparison - if any match (by year and month) you get the first of those matches (in order of placement in C23:C28). If there are no matches you get "No match"

You might be able to simplify if, say, all your dates will always be 1st of the month

To return the lowest date matching the month in B33. Enter using [ctrl]+[shift]+[enter].

Using MAX does also require cse:
Or it will be in error without [ctrl]+[shift]+[enter].

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