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Fatal error: Class 'MongoClient' not found in E:\xampp\htdocs\teach\mongo\index.php on line 11 - Mongodb + XAMPP

I downloaded Mongodb - Installed -> create bat file -> create Data/db folder -> working fine in cmd

Then, Downloaded PHP Driver from GitHib Version 5.3 TS VC6.
copied "php_mongo.dll" in "xampp/php/ext"
Then edited "xampp/php/php.ini" - extension=php_mongo.dll
Restarted Apache - stop and start

[http://localhost/xampp/] -> phpinfo() -> showing "mongo"

I run the below code and getting ERROR
" Fatal error : Class 'MongoClient' not found in E:\\xampp\\htdocs\\teach\\mongo\\index.php on line 11"
Again and again

Please help


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <title>C MongoDB Insert</title>
echo '<pre>';
// Connect to the MongoD with defaults which are localhost and port 27017)  
$m = new MongoClient();
echo '<br />Connection var dump below <br />';
// Use a DataBase (will be created if it doesn't exist)
echo '<br />database var dump below <br />';
$db = $m->demodb;
// Use a Collection (will be created if it doesn't exist)
$coll = $db->democoll;
echo '<br />Collection var dump below <br />';
    'key1' => 'Another Row',
    'AnArray' => array(
        'embedded array value 1',
        'embedded array value 2'
    'embeddedDoc1' => array(
        'embedDoc1Key1' => 'Embedded text in Doc1',
        'embedDoc1Key2' => 'More text for fun'
    echo '<h2 style="color:red">Below is our Document</h2>';
$myDoc = $coll->findOne(array('key1' => 'Another Row'));
echo '</pre>';

Every part of program is right and working after upgrading PHP version

We need at least the 1.3.x PHP driver for MongoClient, but are best to upgrade your XAMPP to PHP 5.4 and install the latest PHP 1.4.x driver. - Thanks @stennie

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